289-469-5262 / 877-375-1949

Employment Screening
Quality Work
Fast and Affordable with Quality results. Fill out forms online 24/7. Guaranteed 24-48 hour turnaround time.
Mitigate Risk with our complete employment screening package!
Including: Criminal Record Check, Credit Bureau, Driver's Licence (any province - no additional charge), up t six Reference checks, Employment, Education and License/Trade Verification. We also offer drug testing.
Canada Wide Criminal Record Search
The same system all the policing agencies in Canada use. We not only gain confirmation if an applicant has a record- but also the information regarding the conviction - when it happened, where it happened and the details, so you can make a valid decision when hiring an applicant.
Driving Record (MVR)
The applicant's three year driving record is obtained to gain knowledge of: The validity of their license, if it was ever revoked or suspended, if they have a history of DUI, passion of drugs, any accidents or moving violations.
Credit History
A full credit summary covering the past 7 years of an applicant's file. This helps to identify the reliability of financial problems that could have adverse affects of the candidate's performance on the job. Social Insurance Number Verification . This report assures you are verifying information for the person you are screening and that the number has in fact been issued by the Government.
Past Employment Verification
We verify past employment listed on the application by your potential employee. We verify dates on job, position, salary, reason for termination, disciplinary actions, as well as discussing performance and attendance with Managers, Supervisors and Human Resources personnel. We will also gain any additional information you request.
Past Education, Degree and Date Verification
Collegiate and graduate degrees are verified, with our report confirming the date the highest degree was attained.
Professional Reference Checks
Our experienced investigators gain unbiased information others are unable to obtain regarding the applicant's professionalism, work ethic, and adaptability. Additionally, we ask specific questions pertaining to a position or industry for which the applicant has applied.
Trade/License Verification
This service is the one that uncovers the most surprising falsification rate. With the number of small companies providing certifications and the frequency in which they go in and out of business, it takes our experienced investigation team to uncover the accuracy of certifications.